Heat Wave Hustle

Welcome to the Heat Wave Hustle Challenge! This month, we’re all about getting stronger and more flexible to improve muscle power and enhance our yoga practice.

Although each class is suitable for all levels, total beginners might want to scale it down a notch, so I’ve added some beginner-friendly classes in the description for the more challenging workouts. Please feel free to mix and match classes from the directory based on your preferences!

Equipment needed: dumbbells, resistance bands, *optional yoga blocks, ankle weights

Remember to join the private Facebook group for support and accountability!

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Day 1
Heat Wave Hustle
Welcome to the August Challenge! We officially start this challenge tomorrow, August 2nd.
Day 2
40 Min
Get ready to burn and firm those muscles! This full-body workout will have you feeling the fire! All you need is light and medium dumbells for this class.
Day 3
35 min
Today's full-body yoga practice will lift your spirits and help you focus on what truly matters. Through dynamic movements, we will stretch and strengthen the body. You don't need any equipment for this class, but you might want your yoga blocks to modify.
Day 4
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Enjoy the day off!
Day 5
41 Min
Attention all yoga lovers! If you want to get strong in your yoga practice, this is the class for you! This class will help you build the upper body and core strength you need for advanced yoga postures using body-weight only.
Alternative Class Chaturnaga Dandasana Practice
If you are looking to learn Chaturanga Dandasana while also gaining strength and flexibility this short practice is for you!
Day 6
39 Min
Today's lower body workout includes the use of ankle weights for added challenge. If you don't have ankle weights, don't worry, as you can still fully participate using just your body weight. Let's go, team!
Day 7
33 Min
This gentle yoga practice will help you feel amazing in both body and mind. This class has a wonderful blend of restorative twists and hip-opening yoga poses. Enjoy!
Day 8
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Enjoy the day off!
Day 9
34 Min
Today, we are mixing up our strength training using a resistance band, weights, and Pilates core training. This class packs a punch! You will want a heavy cloth resistance band and a set of light to medium dumbbells.
Day 10
42 min
Today's practice is a Dynamic Power Flow! We will work on strength and flexibility throughout the entire body using bodyweight! This class will leave you feeling strong and powerful! You don't need any equipment for this class, but you may want two yoga blocks to modify your practice. Enjoy
Day 11
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Enjoy the day off!
Day 12
32 Min
Welcome to this awesome upper body and core workout! Today we are mixing up traditional strength training with Pilates and functional stretch training. This class will help you improve your yoga practice while also helping to build muscle! All you need are some dumbbells! Equipment: Dumbbells
Day 13
40 Min
Get ready for a killer lower-body resistance band workout! Grab a few different strength bands, and let's do this!
Day 14
34 min
Today's class is about clearing the mind, calming the nervous system, and becoming centered. This class will help you to stretch your body and relax the nervous system. This class is part of my Strong and Stretchy program.
Day 15
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Enjoy the day off!
Day 16
35 min
Today we are mixing strength training, Pilates, and yoga to get a well-rounded workout! You will want a set of dumbells and yoga blocks for this class! Enjoy!  
Day 17
41 Minutes
This wonderful vinyasa practice will prepare your body for crow pose, otherwise known as bakasana. We will flow our way into this fun arm balance and learn how to make our crow fly! All levels are welcome!
Day 18
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Enjoy the day off!
Day 19
45 Min
We will work the upper body together with this incredible NEW fusion class! We will be using dumbbells and resistance bands to build muscle. You will love this blended approach to strength training!
Alternative Class Upper Body Express
Do you want to get a killer upper body workout💪 in less than 20 minutes?! Let's do this, team! Grab a set of medium hand weights or light for beginners, and let's pump it up!🙌
Day 20
40 Min
It's time for another fusion lower body workout! This class mixes up our strength training, Pilates, and yoga to give us a well-rounded backside! You will need your dumbbells and yoga blocks for today's class!
Day 21
28 Min
This yoga class is specially crafted to nurture your mind and revitalize your body. All that is needed for this practice is a set of yoga blocks. Enjoy! Equipment: yoga blocks
Day 22
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Enjoy the day off!
Day 23
35 Min
Are you ready to get your sweat on? Let's have some fun with a dumbbell workout! Grab a set of medium to light dumbbells, and let's get started! You'll love this Pilates sculpt class that will work out your entire body! And for an extra challenge, add some ankle weights! Let's go, Team!
Day 24
38 min
This free-flowing yoga class is an amazing practice to work both strength and flexibility. You will want available wall space for the end of this class to work some inversions.  Enjoy!
Alternative Class Rise and Shine
24 minute practice that is great first thing in the morning or anytime you feel like you need a little movement after being inactive. Enjoy this fabulous yoga flow!
Day 25
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Enjoy the day off!
Day 26
46 Min
Who is ready for a killer upper body workout?! Today's upper body workout blends traditional strength training with yoga and Pilates.
Day 27
35 Min
I hope you are ready for a lower body and core burn like no other! This class uses resistance bands to tone and strengthen the core and legs. Grab a heavy band and let’s do this! Equipment: Resistance band
Day 28
36 min
This amazing 36-minute class will help you relax the nervous system and make you feel amazing. You will want a yoga strap, blocks, and available wall space for this class.
Day 29
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Enjoy the day off!
Day 30
45 Min
If you are looking for a total body workout, look no further! This class has it all! Strength training, Pilates, and yoga all rolled into one for you. You will want a set of dumbbells and your yoga blocks for this class. Enjoy the burn!
Day 31
36 Min
Level 2-3 bodyweight sculpting class designed to help you with advanced asana postures while also sculpting amazing arms! Please take the modifications I give for anyone not yet ready for the advanced drills
Alternative Class Bonus Quick Daily Endurance Drills
Bonus class! Welcome to quick daily drills to increase your strength and flexibility! In just 10 minutes, we will get in all the best drills to keep you consistent in your practice. This class has a full backbend. If you are a beginner, please click here. Enjoy!

How was your experience?

4 Reviews
  1. 6 months ago
    Loved this class, hope to do kickstand handstand again before mas.
  2. 7 months ago
    I am so grateful how far I have gone following your workouts Kerri especially after I've suffered a long period of back injury. I can feel the big improvememt mentally and see it also on my body form and i thank you so much for that. I am looking for more muscle definition. Should I eventually eat lots of proteins to achieve this? Appreciate your advice on that and thank you always!!!
    • 7 months ago
      Hi Tania! I'm so glad you are feeling improvment. Muscle gains take time and you defintely need to hit protein goals. 1g of protein per kilogram of weight is the recommended daily amount.