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42 Min Core + Mobility

Today’s class is going to be super fun as we combine some deep core work with lower-body mobility exercises. Don’t worry, you don’t need any equipment for this one, but if your knees are sensitive, you might want to grab a towel or pillow to provide some extra support. Let’s get started!

40 Min Move and Improve Join me for this wonderful mobility class to help you gain better overall strength and flexibility. You will want a set of yoga blocks for today's class.
45 Min Motion Potion The magic potion for improving your range of motion is active end-range conditioning. This full-body mobility class is great for those who want to improve their hip and ankle mobility!...
45 Minutes Move and Groove Mechanics Let's move and groove with today's dynamic flexibility class! This practice will help you improve your overall mobility. You don't need any equipment for today's class, but you might want...
43 Min Active Flex It's time to get more mobile! In today's class, we are working out active end-range flexibility. You will want a set of yoga blocks for today's class.
32 min Stretchy Shoulders and Back This excellent flexibility class lets us work on our upper back and shoulder mobility. You will want your yoga blocks and a strap; if you have a stability ball, that...
33 min Stretchy Legs Today we are working on our strength and flexibility to gain greater overall mobility in the hips and the hamstrings. You will want your yoga blocks for today's practice. This...
43 min Upward Mobility Today we are slowing it down to work on our upper body mobility! Using a strap and yoga blocks, we will work on the strength and flexibility of the back...
28 min Loosen Up This slow restorative flow is perfect for anyone who is looking to loosen up! We will use dynamic movements to help our muscles find relaxation and increase flexibility. You will...
36 min Motion is Lotion Today's class is all about moving our bodies in a way that helps us create more mobility. Today's focus is on hips, hamstrings, shoulders, and back flexibility. You will want...
46 min Flexibility Practice Today's class is all about gaining flexibility in our bodies to help us with our daily activities and with more difficult asana poses like headstand and handstand. This class is...
30 min Mobility Matters Time to get mobile! This class will help you understand how to increase your lower body flexibility by using simple techniques. All levels are welcome to take this class. You...
40 Min Handstands Flexibility Often when we think of handstand, we tend to think we need a lot of strength. The truth is, we need both strength and flexibility. Today's class will help us...
37 Min Active Flexibility For Inversions Hi Team! Today we are going to focus on active flexibility to increase our mobility. This will help both strengthen and increase muscle tone for our inversions! You will want...
50 min Splits Practice This 50 minute class works the hips and hamstrings using dynamic movements to help you gain the strength and flexibility needed for hanumanasa or monkey pose.