Pregnancy & Postpartum

37 min Healthy Hips are Happy Hips

This class focuses on hip and hamstring strength for anyone who is wanting more mobility in their hips. It is great for those who sit all day, runners, and it’s also pregnancy-friendly and a great practice for mothers to be.

44 min Level Up Your Core! Level up your core work with this awesome class! We will work on strengthening the pelvic floor and the deep abs. You will want two yoga blocks for this class....
28 min Tighten That Transverse Learn how to engage your Transverse Abdominus while you strengthen it! This 30 minute class will help you become aware of this amazing muscle in your deep core. You will...
15 min Mind The Gap New Moms! This is a great class for you to do daily to help you strengthen the pelvic floor and tighten your core. You will need a small Pilates ball...
15 min Deep Core This short but very effective class will help you train the transverse abdominals, obliques, inner thighs, glutes and hamstrings!
14 min Core on the Go Quick core work for those of us who are too busy to find time to take a full class! This workout is quick and effective for those who are looking...
25 min Core 101 If you are wondering where to start with Training your core muscles, this class is for you! It is perfect for anyone who is postpartum or has back pain. It...
14 min Pregnancy Modifications For all my pregnant mama’s out there this tutorial will help you know how to modify my classes while you are pregnant. You will want two yoga blocks, a pillow or bolster, and/or...
25 min Pregnancy Flow This class is great for Pregnant moms! You might want yoga blocks, pillows or a bolster for this class.