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5 min Relax and Release This daily mantra is to help you release your burdens and enjoy your life.
4 min Acceptance Today's mantra can help us let go of control and get us in the right headspace.  Enjoy!
4 min Excellence This meditation will help you break the chains of perfectionism and help you strive for excellence instead.
4 min Gentleness Sometimes we can be our harshest critics. Today's manta will help us be a little more gentle to ourselves.
4 min Dodge The Bullet Today's mantra meditation helps us respond rather than react. 
3 min Find The Flow This daily mantra is to help you find the flow. Enjoy!
4 min Breathing In Joy This mantra meditation is to help you let go of stress and breathe in joy.
3 min Good Vibes This daily mantra is to help you trust your good vibes!
4 min Hidden Blessings There are blessings hidden everywhere! Let's find them!
9 min Stress Relieving Meditation We all experience stress on a daily basis. When stress goes untreated it can hurt your immune system, lead to disease, and also steal joy from your life.  This mediation...
9 min RAIN Dealing with Difficult Emotions RAIN is a meditation technique to help you deal with difficult emotions.
8 min Resolving Anger If you are struggling with anger, this meditation is for you. You will learn how to let go and reprogram the mind to respond differently.
7 min Releasing Your Inner Child This visualization meditation is to help you process and heal from difficult emotions that may be linked to your childhood.
5 min Patience This meditation is a simple way to help you learn to enjoy being patient.
8 min Navagating Roough Waters This very short mediation will help you when you are going through times in your life where you feel like things are out of your control.