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Mindfulness and Movement
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How to Achieve Progressive Overload At-Home
There are some common myths and misunderstandings about progressive overload and how to build muscle and get stronger, especially if you work out at home. Let's discuss!
Handstands Can Change Your Life
This is one of my most favorite images Ive posted on Instagram. It was taken last year on a trip with my family to the Grand Canyon. When I
Face Your Fear
What do you think is stopping you from living your dream life? I used to think that it was money, but as I look back on my life, I realize…
3 Killer Oblique Movements
3 Killer Oblique Movements If you are looking to build a strong core, focusing on just the superficial muscles (aka the 6 pack muscle - rectus abdominals) will not give…
The Abs Behind the Curtain
Do you now where your Transverse Abdominis is? Do you know how to activate it?If not, you are not alone! Many people have no idea where this muscle is or...
Are You Disappointed?
We know that thoughts have energy. This energy has either a positive or a negative charge. We know that the mind If we think about something long enough, that thought...
Does Posture Even Matter?
Do you feel like you have bad posture? Maybe someone has said to you before sit up straight or youll end up ruining your back! I know that I felt...
Do You Have a Dead Butt?
Do you have a dead butt? Seriously, do you? Technically, what we are talking about here is known as gluteal amnesia. The condition means that the muscles of a persons...
Core Control
I'm sure I don't have to tell you how important the core muscles are for a handstand, but often, people are shocked at just how much core they
How I Stay Motivated
One of the most common questions people ask me is How do you stay motivated to practice yoga? Id like to share with you my story of
Stop Stretching... How Our Brain Works
For the love of yoga, I encourage you to STOP STRETCHING! Yes, that is right, I'm a yoga teacher who wants you to stop stretching.
Fasting Yoga?
I just ended a 10 day Yoga (asana) fast. Yep... here I am a yoga teacher fasting yoga? I also fasted eating out and it has been really such a
Pincha In A Cincha Tutorial
When I first started learning this pose, I never thought I'd be able to break away from the wall. It took a few yogi friends of mine
5 Yoga Poses To Help With Back Pain
When I was 19, I got in a terrible car accident. I had whiplash and ended up with 2 herniations in my low back. I also worked in an office
10 Tips For New Yoga Teachers
So, you have decided you want to be a yoga teacher? I'm so happy for you! It is an amazing profession that might not be exactly what you see
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