The Secret to Fat Loss

We’ve all been there. You hit your workouts and cut down on calories, but the scale refuses to tip in your favor. Let me tell you, there’s a mastermind behind this – it’s called your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). This is essentially how many calories you burn within a 24-hour period.

Picture this: Your TDEE is your weight management control center, comprised of your basal metabolic rate (BMR), calories burned during exercise, non-exercise activity thermogenesis (cleaning the house, walking the dog or running around after kids), and the thermal effect of food – the energy it takes just to digest what you eat.

the secret to fat loss

To shed fat, you must be in a calorie deficit, eating below your TDEE. It takes 3500 calories for 1 pound of fat loss. Think about that! 3500 calories for just ONE pound of fat!

To understand better, we must discuss BMR – Basal Metabolic Rate. Imagine if you were lying in bed all day; your BMR is the calories you’d burn doing nothing. My own BMR is around 1287 calories a day.

Why is understanding your BMR crucial for weight loss?

Because we never want to consume fewer calories than our BMR. When you do, your brain perceives it as a threat – akin to a code-red situation. It then kicks into survival mode, pumping hormones that drive up your hunger, potentially leading to binge eating since your brain usually craves salty and fatty foods when hungry.

Your body also has a fat comfort zone, and believe me, your brain is like a stubborn double agent determined to maintain it. It boosts your hunger and cravings to make sure you’ve got enough fuel to stay at your current weight. Our brains do not like being in a calorie deficit.

I know the appeal of quick fat loss is, well, appealing, but here’s why rapid weight loss might not be in your best interest.

When you shed pounds too quickly, your brain reacts by slowing down your metabolism. This is the brain’s way of trying to rebuild your body’s fat reserves. As a result, your basal metabolic rate (BMR)—the calories you burn while at rest—decreases. So, after rapid weight loss, your BMR will burn fewer calories than before, even when you’re just sitting around.

But fear not, there are ways to trick the system, lose fat, and keep the weight off.

First off, let’s channel our inner secret agents. Picture yourself on a covert mission, aiming to infiltrate and dismantle those stubborn fat reserves. That’s right. Close your eyes and envision yourself as Jane or James Bond, stealthily creeping into your body’s fat stores. We have to be subtle about it. We can’t just barge in and declare we’re here to raid the pantry—our brain will mount a defense!

The strategy? Quietly trim 200-300 calories from your daily intake without tipping off your brain. This is the secret to sneaking past your body’s natural defenses.

How? By maintaining the same volume of your food but swapping out calorie-dense items for nutrient-dense alternatives. Think lentils, legumes, peas, nutrient-packed vegetables like kale and broccoli, fruits like berries, and whole grains like quinoa. These foods are low in calories but high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, helping you fill up without tipping off your brain’s calorie counters.

This strategy is like having an invisible cloak. You eat roughly the same amount (volume) – about 4 pounds of food daily – but with fewer calories and less saturated fat. The fiber keeps you fuller longer, ensuring your brain remains none the wiser to your calorie deficit.

In fact, the more nutrient-rich your diet, the more your brain eases up, allowing your body to release fat and use it as fuel.

This is how we lose fat and keep it off. Slow and steady wins the race, my Friends! We got this!

To calculate your total daily calories, use my TDEE calculator!

To follow exactly what I did to lose 20 lbs after menopause, check out my MenoMagic program and protocol!

My MenoMagic guide is free with membership, but if you want to purchase it without a BYG Membership, click here.

KERRI VERNA MenoMagic Menopause program
I lost 20 pounds following my MenoMagic program and protocol!


How your body fights weight loss

Metabolic Consequences Study

Physiological Adaptations to Weight Loss

Long-Term Persistence of Hormonal Adaptations to Weight Loss

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4 Reviews
  1. 4 months ago
    This is so interesting, thank you. Haven't been here for a while, haven't done a thing in exercise or diet. I've been in more pain than ever and lost inspiration and energy on the way. I'm so tired of being tired. I left the Facebook- group a while ago, don't know if I'm going back. But, the only thing that ever worked for me, is your program. MenoMagic. So I will get back on track. I just needed this. I hope I can stay on track.
  2. 4 months ago
    You are a genius - thanks for putting it so clear and simple. Now i have been in this game with eating disordes and fitness , health industry for decades . And now finally someone speaks what resonates with my soul. Thanks for clarity <3