Grow & Glow

Welcome to the Grow and Glow Challenge!

Our focus in this challenge is on strengthening our core and pelvic floor while simultaneously training the rest of our bodies. To fully participate, you will need a large stability ball, a small stability ball, resistance bands, and dumbbells.

You can switch out any of the classes to better suit your individual needs by accessing the class directory. I have also added a replacement suggestion in the description for those who don’t have access to a large stability ball.

Let’s go, Team!

Remember to join the private Facebook group for support and accountability!

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Day 1
28 min
Welcome to the March Challenge! Today's class is going to challenge you! Get ready for some sizzling and chiseling! We are going to get the entire body in today using a large stability ball and a set of dumbbells. I filmed this class awhile ago and probably could go a little heavier now, so keep that in mind when choosing weight. Feel free to use body weight only. If you do not have a large ball, check out a class called Body By Block for a similar workout!
Day 2
39 min
Today's class is packed full of power and play! We will work the entire body using light to medium dumbbells mixed with traditional yoga. This workout will challenge you while also helping to calm the nervous system. Enjoy!
Day 3
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Although it is a rest day, we want to stay active. Enjoy a walk outside or any other activity that helps increase your overall step count to 10k.
Day 4
33 min
This class is an oldie but a goodie! It has a strong focus on the shoulders and core! This practice has a few unique exercises that will confuse your core into working harder! You will want several different strength bands for this class to be able to switch them out as needed. Get ready to have some fun while you sweat!
Day 5
38 Min
NEW! Release date March 4th! Join me for this super fun lower-body workout! We are going to build awesome strength in our glutes, hamstrings, calves, and quads. You will need a set of dumbbells, resistance bands, and yoga blocks for this class.
Day 6
33 Min
This gentle yoga practice will help you feel amazing in both body and mind. This class has a wonderful blend of restorative twists and hip-opening yoga poses. Enjoy!
Day 7
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Although it is a rest day, we want to stay active. Enjoy a walk outside or any other activity that helps increase your overall step count to 10k.
Day 8
39 min
This Stability Ball Sizzle will leave your abs, back, arms, and glutes burning! Simple and effective full-body workout using the ball. All levels! You will need a stability ball and wall space for this class. If you do not have a large stability ball, check out a class called Block Talk for a similar workout.
Day 9
39 min
Today's fusion class is a beautiful blend of Yoga, Tai Chi, and Pilates using the mini ball! This class has everything - we will work on our balance with standing postures, core with the mini ball, and end class with some fantastic hip stretches and twists! Please grab two yoga blocks and your small Pilates ball for this workout. Enjoy!
Day 10
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Although it is a rest day, we want to stay active. Enjoy a walk outside or any other activity that helps increase your overall step count to 10k.
Day 11
28 min
Get out your large stability ball and your resistance bands for this awesome, strength-building core and upper body workout! Let's go, team! If you don't have a large stability ball, check out a class called Locked and Loaded for a similar workout!  
Day 12
32 min
Woo hoo, it is lower body day! This mat Pilates class targets the core and lower body through fun, dynamic movements. You can level up your workout today with some optional ankle weights! Enjoy the burn!
Day 13
40 min
Feeling a little tight? Do you need a class that will help you loosen through the hips, hamstrings, and upper body? This class has it all! You will want two yoga blocks, and a pillow or bolster for this class.
Day 14
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Although it is a rest day, we want to stay active. Enjoy a walk outside or any other activity that helps increase your overall step count to 10k.
Day 15
43 Min
NEW! Release date March 11th. Today's fun and unique Pilates mat workout will have your entire body and brain fired up! We will be training single-arm and single-leg movements to target both sides of the body equally. This type of training helps us avoid overusing the dominant side, isolate and correct muscular imbalances, and help us improve our deep core and stabilizer muscles.
Day 16
36 min
Today's yoga practice will leave you feeling Omazing! This strong dynamic flow will challenge your balance, legs, and core. You will want two yoga blocks to modify. Enjoy!
Day 17
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Although it is a rest day, we want to stay active. Enjoy a walk outside or any other activity that helps increase your overall step count to 10k.
Day 18
40 min
Today's class is a dynamic yoga practice that uses light to medium dumbbells to help sculpt the biceps and the triceps. This is a full-body class, but the focus will be on sculpting the arms. Grab a set of dumbbells and your yoga blocks, and let's hit the mat! This class is part of my Strong and Stretchy program.
Day 19
35 Min
New! Release date March 18th! Today's Pilates practice will work your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and deep core using a large stability ball. If you want an added burn, add 1-2 pound ankle weights! Enjoy! If you do not have a large stability ball, check out a class called Block O'Clock for a similar workout.
Day 20
28 min
This class is a beautiful restorative practice to help you de-stress, calm your nervous system, relax your body, and prepare for bedtime. You will want your yoga blocks, a strap, and maybe a pillow for this class. Enjoy!
Day 21
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Although it is a rest day, we want to stay active. Enjoy a walk outside or any other activity that helps increase your overall step count to 10k.
Day 22
41 Min
Today's comprehensive full-body session incorporates dumbbells, resistance bands, and the Pilates small ball. Feel encouraged to opt for heavier free weights as we synergize the benefits of the bands and the small ball. Let's go, Team!
Day 23
42 Min
Join me for this beautiful fusion class mixing Tai Chi, Pilates, and Yoga! This class will strengthen and stretch your muscles and help you de-stress and calm the nervous system. Enjoy this practice!
Day 24
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Although it is a rest day, we want to stay active. Enjoy a walk outside or any other activity that helps increase your overall step count to 10k.
Day 25
28 min
If you are looking to tone your upper body, Strong Arms and Core won't disappoint! So grab a stability ball and a set of hand weights and let's go! If you don't have a large stability ball, check out a class called Upper Body Express.  
Day 26
33 Min
Get ready for an excellent lower-body dumbbell workout! We will combine traditional strength training exercises with Pilates-inspired movements to build muscle in our legs and core.
Day 27
39 min
Looking for a restorative flow to make you feel fantastic? Look no further!
Day 28
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Although it is a rest day, we want to stay active. Enjoy a walk outside or any other activity that helps increase your overall step count to 10k.
Day 29
42 Min
New! Release date March 25th! Join me today for a dynamic Pilates and Yoga fusion class using the small ball! Today’s session is designed to target your deep core muscles while simultaneously promoting relaxation and calming of the nervous system. Equipment needed: Pilates small ball, optional pillow or bolster
Day 30
40 Min
Grab some dumbells, and let's practice! This Yoga sculpt class will use unilateral training to help us shape our muscles and work our core.
Day 31
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Although it is a rest day, we want to stay active. Enjoy a walk outside or any other activity that helps increase your overall step count to 10k.

How was your experience?

10 Reviews
  1. 10 months ago
    I am finally done with March!! I am so excited to go into April! I love these challenges so much! Thank you!
  2. 10 months ago
    Loved this challenge. I have felt fitter and strong doing your classes, then when I did HIIT classes. So glad I found your instagram. I’m excited to start your next challenge.
  3. 10 months ago
    so happy I started this challenge, still have two more days to complete, but loving every class, lost so time due to being on holiday... Free like this is saving me... THANK YOU
  4. 11 months ago
    I loved it! I can’t believe it is so motivating, easier to go into my mat and do it! And the classes are tough, but I am getting so much stronger than I can’t believe it. I really thought that with perimenopause, my strength workouts were over, but with these monthly challenges is just the other way around.
    • 11 months ago
      Thank you so much, Maria! I'm glad to hear that and excited for you! Congratulations on finishing the challenge!
  5. 11 months ago
    Hello, wow Stability Ball Sizzler, that was so hard, how to I get better with stability ball, I'm falling around alot?
    • 11 months ago
      You will get better with time! The large ball makes you work your deep core/stability muscles more. Check out Core Stability program if you'd like to focus on training those muscles! Way to go!