Beginner Challenge

If you are new to BYG, start here.
This 4-week challenge has been carefully crafted to give you a strong foundation in yoga and Pilates.

Equipment needed: Pilates small ball, yoga blocks

Remember to join the private Facebook group for support and accountability!

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Day 1
17 min
Welcome! Today's practice will teach you the fundamentals of Sun Salutations! This short practice is great to do in the morning or if you are short on time. You might want two yoga blocks to modify today's practice. Enjoy!
Day 2
25 min
If you are wondering where to start training your core muscles, this class is for you! Today's practice will help teach you how to work the deep core muscles. You will need a yoga block for today's class. Enjoy!
Day 3
25 min
This practice focuses on Sun Salutations, Warrior 1, Triangle Pose, and Tree pose. A great introduction to the standing strength postures in Yoga. You may want two yoga blocks for this class. Enjoy!
Day 4
5 min
Today is your rest day! Enjoy this meditation!
Day 5
26 min
If you are looking to learn Chaturanga Dandasana while also gaining strength and flexibility this short practice is for you!
Day 6
28 min
This class is a beautiful restorative practice to help you de-stress, calm your nervous system, relax your body, and prepare for bedtime. You will want your yoga blocks, a strap, and maybe a pillow for this class. Enjoy!
Day 7
5 min
Today is your rest day! Enjoy this square-breathing meditation!
Day 8
24 min
Today’s practice is great first thing in the morning, or anytime you feel like you need a little movement after being inactive. Enjoy this fabulous yoga flow! You may want two yoga blocks to modify your practice! Enjoy!
Day 9
13 min
Today's class will teach you the fundamentals of engaging your deep core muscles, known as the Transverse Abdominals. In this class, we use a Pilates small ball, but if you do not have this piece of equipment, you may use a kid's small ball or a pillow.
Day 10
30 min
This is a wonderful class that will introduce you to hip openers and core work!
Day 11
5 min
Today is your rest day! Please enjoy this 4,7,8 breathing meditation!
Day 12
37 min
This practice will not only teach you how to do pigeon pose but also how to modify and strengthen the hips so that you will become more flexible in this pose. You will want a blanket and optional yoga blocks for this class! Enjoy!
Day 13
33 min
Today’s practice is all about stretching and recovering our tight muscles. This class will be a nice change of pace and will make you feel amazing. No equipment needed but you might want two yoga blocks to modify some poses.
Day 14
4 min
Today is your rest day! Please enjoy this mantra meditation!
Day 15
34 min
If you are new to yoga or just looking for a class that goes into a little more detail about breath and how to modify yoga poses, this is a great practice for you! You will want two yoga blocks for this class.
Day 16
28 min
Learn how to engage your Transverse Abdominus while you strengthen it! This 30 minute class will help you become aware of this amazing muscle in your deep core. You will need two yoga blocks for this class! All levels. Please make sure your doctor has cleared you for exercise if you have any medical concerns.
Day 17
27 min
Looking for a daily yoga stretch? Look no further! This class is great for anyone looking to warm up or just stretch their body in a gentle way. All levels.
Day 18
4 min
Today is your rest day! Please enjoy this meditation!
Day 19
31 min
Did you know that stabilizing the muscles that support your pelvis could be the key to looser hamstrings? This class focuses on just that!
Day 20
30 min
If you are feeling a little sore or tired, but you want to stay accountable, this is a great 30-minute practice to help you stretch, breathe, and move your muscles. Enjoy!
Day 21
5 min
Today is your rest day! Enjoy this meditation on how to increase your patience.
Day 22
40 min
Feeling a little tight? Are you a runner or maybe you have been stressed and need a class that will help you loosen through the hips, hamstrings, and upper body? This class has it all! You will want two yoga blocks, and a pillow or bolster for this class.
Day 23
33 min
One of the biggest struggles can be learning how to step to the top of your mat. Today's class will not only give you an awesome workout but will also show you ways to modify and get stronger in your core and hip flexors so you will step to the top of your mat with ease!
Day 24
31 min
This 30 minute class is perfect to do first thing in the morning! Have an awesome day! You may want two yoga blocks for this practice. All levels.
Day 25
3 min
Today is your rest day! Please enjoy this meditation!
Day 26
30 min
Time to get mobile! This class will help you understand how to increase your lower body flexibility by using simple techniques. All levels are welcome to take this class. You will want two yoga blocks for this class.
Day 27
33 min
Looking for something to help you wind down at night? This is an amazing yoga practice to help you sleep!

How was your experience?

5 Reviews
  1. 4 months ago
  2. 1 year ago
    Loved it! Thank you :)
  3. 1 year ago
    Day 3 and loving it. Perfect pace and beginner modifications. I don’t always need the beginner mod, but I feel supported in doing so. Not forcing myself- just loving this new routine for ME💕. I can’t wait for tomorrow’s practice!