Twenty-one days to looking and feeling your best!

FAST stands for fun, accelerated strength training! For the next 21 days, we will combine kettlebell strength training with yoga, Pilates, & mantra meditation! I have also included a plant-based recipe for you to try each day! All you need for this program is a kettlebell and optional yoga blocks.

Remember to join the private Facebook group for support and accountability!

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Day 1
42 min
Welcome to Day 1! Grab yourself a light/medium kettlebell! We will be going over a few fundamental movements found in this program. Then, give this post-workout smoothie a try! It's perfect for any on-the-go morning!
Meditation Success
This daily mantra is to help you realize your potential!
Recipe Woo Hoo Cashew Smoothie
You will love this cashew smoothie! Perfect for any on-the-go morning!
Day 2
28 min
Time to get twisted! Today's class mixes up using the kettlebell with yoga postures to strengthen and stretch you! All you will need is a light kettlebell for today's class. Enjoy!
Meditation I Show Up
This daily mantra is to help you show up for yourself!
Recipe Killer Kale Smoothie
This smoothie is the perfect blend of fruit and veggies!
Day 3
37 min
It's day 3! I hope you are ready for some FAST fusion! This class combines Yoga, Pilates, and kettlebell strength training to give you the perfect workout. You may use a light to medium kettlebell for this class. Have fun!
Meditation Change
This daily mantra is to help you find the opportunities that change can bring.
Recipe Blueberry and Banana Marvelous Muffins
These muffins are so easy to make! Great breakfast idea when you are on the go!
Day 4
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Stay active but enjoy the day off!
Meditation Find The Flow
This daily mantra is to help you find the flow. Enjoy!
Recipe Heavenly Black Bean & Corn Salad
This salad is fast, delicious, and super easy to make!
Day 5
25 min
Okay, Team! I hope you are ready to burn out the lower half! This fantastic class will have both your core and legs on fire! Grab a medium to heavy kettlebell for this workout!
Meditation Good Vibes
This daily mantra is to help you trust your good vibes!
Recipe Mango Me Happy Smoothie
Get your greens in with this awesome smoothie! It is sure to make you happy!
Day 6
36 min
Today marks the end of week one! GREAT JOB! For today's class, grab a light to a medium kettlebell, and let's get long and strong! This fusion workout combines all three disciples and will leave you feeling the glow! Enjoy!
Meditation Letting Go
Letting Go - 4 min
Join me for this short mantra meditation on letting go.
Recipe Amazing Almond Smoothie
This awesome smoothie can be made in 2 minutes! Excellent source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats!
Day 7
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Stay active but enjoy the day off!
Meditation Thankfulness
This daily mantra is to help you find thankfulness for all that you have.
Recipe Get Your Chick-ON Salad Sammie
This is a staple in the Verna house! So yummy!
Day 8
29 min
It's week 2, woohoo!🤩🥳 This circuit will make you WORK IT! Grab a medium size kettlebell and let's get to work!
Meditation Becoming
We have an awesome mantra for today’s meditation that is going to leave you feeling loved and supported.
Recipe PBB Smoothie!
This smoothie is delicious! Great way to start your day!
Day 9
35 min
It's day nine, and we are feeling fine! Today's kettlebell flow class will leave you feeling amazing! Grab a little kettlebell and two yoga blocks & let's do this!
Meditation Proving Myself
Growing up, some of us might have felt the need to prove ourselves to our family or friends.  This is a normal stage of life that everyone goes through. Today's mantra mediation helps us learn how to break the chains of other people's opinions. 
Recipe Bangin’ Portobello Burgers
This recipe serves 2! Enjoy this easy, delicious, and quick recipe!
Day 10
29 min
Strong AF It's day ten, and we are getting so STRONG! Today's class will challenge us in all the best possible ways! Grab a medium kettlebell, and let's go!
Meditation Making Peace
This daily mantra is to help you make peace with your past.
Recipe Green Power Smoothie
This awesome smoothie will make you love consuming your daily greens!
Day 11
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Stay active but enjoy the day off!
Meditation Hidden Blessings
There are blessings hidden everywhere! Let's find them!
Recipe Easy Butternut Squash Soup
This is a great soup that my whole family loves! 
Day 12
29 min
Day 12! Time to get smokin'! Today's class will work on the lower half of the body. Grab a medium to heavy kettlebell, and let's set this house on fire!
Meditation Breathing In Joy
This mantra meditation is to help you let go of stress and breathe in joy.
Recipe TROPICAL Sunrise Smoothie
This smoothie is delicious! Great way to start your day!
Day 13
35 min
Today we have a killer upper body and core workout! Grab a medium kettlebell and let's get ripped!
Meditation My Highest Priority
Today we are making feeling good a priority. Enjoy this mantra meditation!
Recipe Frutti Patooti Smoothie
If you love citrus drinks like orange juice, you are going to love this smoothie! Perfect morning refreshment!
Day 14
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Stay active but enjoy the day off!
Meditation Acceptance
Today's mantra can help us let go of control and get us in the right headspace.  Enjoy!
Recipe Pesto Pasta Perfection
If you love pesto, this is a healthy and super easy meal!
Day 15
35 min
You've made it to week 3! It's time to turn up the heat! Today's Mega Circuit will do just that! Grab a medium to heavy kettlebell, and let's go!
Meditation Gentleness
Sometimes we can be our harshest critics. Today's manta will help us be a little more gentle to ourselves.
Recipe Violet Beauregarde Smoothie
Named after the girl who turned herself into a blueberry!? This smoothie is an awesome blend of berries and apples! Full of antioxidants to either start your day or as an afternoon snack!
Day 16
29 min
Day 16 is here! We are keeping the intensity up but turning down the heat. Grab a light kettlebell and let's blend some yoga and Pilates movements with our kettlebell training!
Meditation Excellence
This meditation will help you break the chains of perfectionism and help you strive for excellence instead.
Recipe Delicious Blueberry Date Smoothie
All I can say is YUM! This blueberry & date smoothie is a great post-workout snack!
Day 17
30 min
For day 17, we have a fun and dynamic workout! Fast Blast will challenge you in both strength and flexibility. Grab a medium weight and meet me on the mat!
Meditation Dodge The Bullet
Today's mantra meditation helps us respond rather than react. 
Recipe Sweet Potato and White Bean Stew
This is a quick and easy recipe that was so delicious! This can be done in a slow cooker or in an Instant Pot!
Day 18
Rest Day
Today is your rest day! Stay active but enjoy the day off!
Meditation A Good Day
Today my friends, we are going to have a good day! Let's do this!
Recipe Mango Lime Sorbet
Silky and smooth sorbet that you will love!
Day 19
39 min
You are in the home stretch! Are you feeling fierce? Today's class will help you get there! Grab a medium to heavy kettlebell and let's smash Day 19!
Meditation TRUST
This meditation will help you feel anxious, worried, or just out of sorts.
Recipe Get it Girl Smoothie
This smoothie is an excellent blend of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals we need! Enjoy!
Day 20
38 min
Today marks the end of our 3-week FAST journey! Today's class will have your lower-body feeling the fire! Let's finish this challenge strong! Grab a HEAVY bell, and let's get it, team!
Meditation Relax and Release
This daily mantra is to help you release your burdens and enjoy your life.
Recipe Black Bean Chipotle Burger
This black bean chipotle burger is awesome! Enjoy!
25 min
This class is excellent for all my core lovers out there to add on or replace any of the workouts if you need something quick but effective!
17 min
If you are in need of a quick but effective upper body workout, look no further! Grab a medium to heavy bell and let's smash this!
30 min
If you need a little break from lifting, this is the class for you! Add this Yoga Recovery practice in if you are feeling sore or just need to take an active break from the program.

How was your experience?

22 Reviews
  1. 11 months ago
    Hi Kerri. What if I don't have kettle bells yet? I have 8, 10, 3, and 2 lb weights. Could I substitute these hand weights in this program? thanks! Lena
  2. 1 year ago
    I just finished your second program, FAST and loved it. I enjoyed the 3 extra classes too. I am wondering if I will continue to become more flexible? I cannot not stretch nearly as far as you can but definitely more than when I started your program. I really want to be able to fully stretch my body. I feel great all around:)
  3. 1 year ago
    Do you have a print-out for this program, Kerri?
    • 1 year ago
      There is no printout for this program but you can save the webpage as a PDF and print it. Just go to file/export as PDF.
  4. 2 years ago
    Just finished my first round of FAST and loved it 😍 Taking a break for a few weeks’ holiday (kettlebell too heavy for luggage 😂) but coming back to it in September 👍🏻
  5. 3 years ago
    Just started round 3. 😵‍💫🥴🙏🏻
  6. 3 years ago
    Hi Kerri! My twin sister and I bought each other kettlebells for our 54th birthday! We just finished your FAST program, amazing! We're looking forward to a year of getting strong for our many travel adventures this year :)
  7. 3 years ago
    Love the inner fire!🔥
  8. 3 years ago
    I've done all the mantras along with the program. I avoided this kind of practice before, because I couldn't come up with short simple phrases - but they can make such a difference! Now I love my mantras. Thanks for teaching me, Kerri.
  9. 3 years ago
    The daily mantras were amazing! Thank you for creating those. They were exactly what I needed and would love to see more!
  10. 3 years ago
    I did all the mantras every day, one by one. Amazing stuff. Will come back to them to remind myself, life is wonderful 🌱