Spring Into Shape

Welcome to the April 2024 challenge!

Let’s spring into shape with this fantastic new challenge! We are building strength using dumbells, bands, yoga blocks, and our own body weight.

This month’s classes are low-impact and help to keep cortisol levels low. Click the links below to join the private Facebook group, print out the challenge calendar, or get equipment links.

Let’s do this!

Remember to join the private Facebook group for support and accountability!

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Day 1
36 Min
Welcome to the April Challenge! It's time to work those guns! Today's upper body banger will tone your biceps, triceps, shoulders, and back! You will need a set of dumbells and a resistance band for this class! Enjoy the fire!
Day 2
33 Min
NEW Workout! Today's lower body sculpt workout will help develop strong, stable muscles. We will use a chair, dumbbells, and a heavy resistance band. For an extra sizzle, add your ankle weights!
Day 3
34 min
Today's class is about clearing the mind, calming the nervous system, and becoming centered. This class will help you to stretch your body and relax the nervous system. This class is part of my Strong and Stretchy program.
Day 4
Rest Day
Take the day off! Try this meditation to help you relax and let go.
Meditation Unbothered Meditation
If you ever find yourself bothered by a situation or the opinions of others, this visualization meditation can help you focus on what is truly important and let go of what is bothering you.
Day 5
30 min
Today's mat Pilates class will work your entire body using a set of light to medium dumbbells. You will feel the fire in your core, shoulders, and backside!
Day 6
41 Minutes
This wonderful vinyasa practice will prepare your body for crow pose, otherwise known as bakasana. We will flow our way into this fun arm balance and learn how to make our crow fly! All levels are welcome!
Day 7
Rest Day
Take the day off! Try this meditation to help you calm and relax your nervous system.
Meditation Square Breathing
Enjoy this 5-minute pranayama practice to help you de-stress and feel amazing.
Day 8
39 Min
NEW Class! Release date: April 8th. Today's workout will focus on developing strong, flexible shoulders, which are crucial in building a strong, healthy upper body. Grab a set of light dumbbells, yoga blocks, a yoga strap, or any similar object, and let's get to work! Look out for modifications offered during today's class to modify your workout.
Day 9
42 Min
Day 1 of FLEXAPPEAL! Let's go, team! Today's class is a mix of strength training, Pilates, and Yoga for the lower half of the body! Your legs will be feeling the burn! All you need is a set of dumbbells and resistance bands for this class. Beginners feel free to use bodyweight only.
Day 10
32 min
Is your upper back and neck tight? If so, this is the class for you! Grab a yoga strap and two yoga blocks, and let's work the upper back!
Day 11
Rest Day
Take the day off! Try this meditation to help you find the change you are looking for.
Meditation Change
This daily mantra is to help you find the opportunities that change can bring.
Day 12
35 min
Today we are mixing strength training, Pilates, and yoga to get a well-rounded workout! You will want a set of dumbells and yoga blocks for this class! Enjoy!  
Day 13
42 Min
Today’s wonderful yoga practice will help us work on strength and mobility through our lower body. You do not need any equipment for this practice, but you might want two yoga blocks to modify.
Day 14
Rest Day
Take the day off! Try this meditation to help you relax and release.
Meditation Relax and Release
This daily mantra is to help you release your burdens and enjoy your life.
Day 15
34 Min
Are you ready to build some muscle? Let's get strong with this excellent upper body workout! You will need some light to heavy weights for this class. Don't be afraid to go heavy!
Day 16
30 min
Are you ready for 30 minute lower body killer workout?! This class will have your legs on fire - in the best way possible! Grab a set of light and heavy dumbbells, and let's go, team!
Day 17
45 min
Looking for an awesome practice late in the day, but you don’t want something too energizing that will keep you up at night? This practice is for you! We will connect inward to hear what the body is telling us! :
Day 18
Rest Day
Take the day off! Try this meditation to help find excellence in your life.
Meditation Excellence
This meditation will help you break the chains of perfectionism and help you strive for excellence instead.
Day 19
35 min
Today's class will focus on the inner thigh, pelvic floor, and lower body activation as we use the dumbbells to tone and shape the upper body! You will want your yoga blocks and light to medium hand weights.
Day 20
42 Min
NEW Practice! Release date: April 15th. Get ready for a fun full-body vinyasa flow that focuses on lateral flexion. Today, we have many variations of similar poses, so choose what works best for your body. You might want two yoga blocks to modify. Equipment: Yoga Blocks
Day 21
Rest Day
Take the day off! Try this meditation to help you learn how to avoid unpleasant situations.
Meditation Dodge The Bullet
Today's mantra meditation helps us respond rather than react. 
Day 22
40 min
Today's class is a dynamic yoga practice that uses light to medium dumbbells to help sculpt the biceps and the triceps. This is a full-body class, but the focus will be on sculpting the arms. Grab a set of dumbbells and your yoga blocks, and let's hit the mat! This class is part of my Strong and Stretchy program.
Day 23
34 min
For today's class, I have an excellent Pilates resistance band workout for you that will leave your tush feeling TORCHED! 🔥 You will want a heavy-duty resistance band and a chair or couch for today's workout. Enjoy!
Day 24
40 Min
New Practice! Release date: April 22nd. Today's gentle yoga flow will help you stretch out, calm your nervous system, and get your lymphatic system moving. This class will be perfect if you have been away from your yoga mat, need restoration, or are a beginner. All you need for the class is a large pillow or bolster and two yoga blocks. Enjoy!
Day 25
Rest Day
Take the day off! Try this meditation to help you find success!
Meditation Success
This daily mantra is to help you realize your potential!
Day 26
38 Min
You will be feeling the burn with this full-body resistance band workout! You will need a set of resistance bands and a chair for this class. Enjoy the Burn!
Day 27
42 min
Today's practice is a Dynamic Power Flow! We will work on strength and flexibility throughout the entire body using bodyweight! This class will leave you feeling strong and powerful! You don't need any equipment for this class, but you may want two yoga blocks to modify your practice. Enjoy
Day 28
Rest Day
Take the day off! Try this meditation to help you let go and find peace.
Meditation Acceptance
Today's mantra can help us let go of control and get us in the right headspace.  Enjoy!
Day 29
45 Min
We will work the upper body together with this incredible NEW fusion class! We will be using dumbbells and resistance bands to build muscle. You will love this blended approach to strength training!
Day 30
32 min
Today's class is all about that lower body. We will be using a chair, yoga block, and a resistance band to work our lower half. Get ready to feel the burn!

How was your experience?

22 Reviews
  1. 8 months ago
  2. 9 months ago
    Back at it. Lucy came in halfway to keep me motivated. Great leg workout, modified and didn't use the step, kept aware of where my back was so I don't overstrain/work it again.
  3. 9 months ago
    I have loved this challenge. And myself, because I stayed consistent through the whole month. Feeling a lot better and startet feeling stronger and muscles coming back. Ready for the May Challenge! Thank you Kerri!
  4. 9 months ago
    Loved this!! Got me back into consistent practice - feeling stronger and more flexible. Ready for the next challenge!
  5. 9 months ago
    Just finished the April Challenge! So glad I found you! I have tried other “beach” famous workouts online and this is by far the best! I never dread working out. Let’s go May!
  6. 10 months ago
    I have loved this challenge! This was my first and I’m looking forward to the May challenge!
  7. 10 months ago
    This challenge was amazing. I really committed every day and can see a big change in strength and flexibility. My body just feels looser.
  8. 10 months ago
    I’m loving these meditations 🤩
  9. 10 months ago
    Just finished Atomic arms, my arms are jelly but I loved it
  10. 10 months ago
    Hi there,I love your tee on the front cover, it's a phrase my family uses all the time. Can you share where you purchased it from? tia. :)